Internet Tweak by Magellass Corp. is an advanced utility to fully control all internet related settings. Internet Tweak gives full control in your hands. So you can modify any or all settings listed in Internet Tweak to control the behavior of various internet related applications and you can optimize your system and internet related applications to boost the speed of internet and so you will get best peak performance. With Internet Tweak you can modify every settings related to Dial-up Networking from MaxMTU for TCP/IP to RPC Packet size, from 802.3 snap encoding to WINS Query time-out. You can change any Dial-up Networking settings from the listed 62 options. Internet Tweak gives more then 100 options to modify your internet explorer. And if you want to configure your Outlook Express then Internet Tweak has more then 25 options. You can also modify some windows integration options here. But if you use Netscape communicator then it is not a problem for Internet Tweak utility. It has very attractive and easy to use interface. You does not require to be an advanced user to use it because internet tweak explain each and every settings options with recommendation. You can also find hundreds of useful tips & tricks in its Tips & Tricks section.